It's not about it being sexy! It's about being cute! I have sexy underwear.. but sometimes I need just cute underwear.. mostly when I'm on the rag. Nothing's going to happen and nobody's going to be seeing my panties most likely.. except for me.. so the rainbows and glitter are a fun way to get over my period. Also.. they're intended more for tween aged girls. My friend works for Victoria's Secret (yay discount!) and she says that they've realized that the bright colors and such seem to leave out the older generations.. because you still want the comfort of those AWESOME ASS Pink sweatpants and yoga pants.. but maybe not so much happy faces and rainbows. They're trying to tone it down a bit but still keep it to where the tacky tweensters can still be satisfied. I'm totally a tacky tweenster. Hells yeah.. love me some of that rainbow glitter smiley face.