Yeah, WK, that was awesome!
I can say from experience that it is really, REALLY hard to dress and act like a girl and not a slut when growing up, and my experience was during the 90's - it's only gotten worse. I had to buy small sizes of women's clothes, mostly sweats and plain t-shirts, and never anything pretty or cute because almost everything that was nice was also low-cut, clingy, or both. I wasn't ready to be sexy and I felt it was wrong to advertise myself sexually when I was a little girl and had no intention of sleeping with anyone for years.
I also didn't want to wear a bra because dang, those things are uncomfortable, and so I didn't start wearing one until my breasts were actually large enough to warrent it. This was about 3 years later than most of my peers, and I wasn't a late bloomer - they were wearing lacy Victoria's Secret padded bras over their tiny not-even-A-cup nubbins. Let me tell you how much teasing I got in the changing rooms.
As a result, the general school populace thought I was lesbian. Seriously?? When I was eleven?? Come on!! And if that wasn't bad enough, any girl I hung out with got called lesbian, too, for associating with me - and not in a nice way, either.
If I ever have kids, I hope they are boys. I would not wish girlhood on anyone I loved.
There's no justice. There's just us.