Originally Posted by mixedmedia
My daughter has a cell phone (she is 10) but we don't have a land line phone and she is home alone fairly often now since I went back to school. She also carries it with her when she goes out to play so that she can check in periodically to let me know where she is.
I can see where it is applicable to have a cell phone if the child is a latch-key kid with no land-line. I think though that when kids have it strapped to them 24/7 it may be an issue. When I taught, every school I was at prohibited cell phones for students. There was no reason for the students to have them and it was a distraction. The parents would get outraged using the excuse of 'What if something happens we need to get in touch with each other?" Our answer was: that is what the school phones and secretary are for. My Lord how did people survive 10+ years ago when there weren't pocket sized cell phones?