I hate helicopter parents. I swear they're responsible for the uptick in children's food allergies.
There has to be a balance between safety and adventure. Kids learn a lot when they're in situations with controlled risk, where they're allowed to make their own decisions and figure out their own solutions to problems. I think it's really important that they learn those skills. In my work, I do the best job that I can to ensure the kids have fun yet stay safe. I have no problems with some of my kids climbing trees. At my current job, we're planning a field day for May, where we'll have footraces and games in the park. The main safety precaution I'll take is making sure everyone's wearing sunscreen and that I have a first aid kit and my cell phone on me. It helps that we're all trained in first aid and CPR. There's a distinct difference between being prepared and being paranoid.
Fortunately, I see a lot of parents in my work who aren't obsessed with protecting their kids. Most of the parents I know are pretty easy-going and understand that kids get bumps and bruises. I've met a few helicopter parents...needless to say, my acquaintance with them is usually short.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau