Living in a Bubble
I saw a commercial about a mom who had her kid in a bubble to protect him. I think it was supposed to be humorous as in 'That would never happen', but it wouldn't surprise me if I saw toddlers running around in hamster balls this summer when the tourists arrive in full steam.
It seems that a lot of parents want to protect their kids from everything. The companies use this 'fear' to sell products and services. Make sure your kid has a cell phone at age 8 in case he/she gets abducted, but you better also purchase the cell phone 'nanny' for $14.99 a month to monitor all incoming and outcoming texts and myspace messages. You never know what on-line predator is on the prowl. Of course you want your kid to go to camp, but you better rent the cabin next door in case there is danger lurking in the woods.
This over-protection is harmful to the kids and the 'Y' generation that is now heading into adulthood is reaping the downsides of not able to handle society, criticism, and life in general. They have panic attacks and spiral downward into depression with the pharmaceutical companies ready to start making their money. They are turning to their parents to take care of their everyday battles with bosses and professors because they can't deal with the public or confrontation in general.
I say let the kids play outside with the joy of being able to move because they aren't covered head-to-toe in protective gear. Let them get dirty and sling mud. Let them make mistakes and fight their own battles so they will be prepared to communicate effectively with people and have a healthy ego and self-image. If parents don't let their spawn have some fun because someone may get hurt, what is the point?
These are my observations. What are other people's opinion on the 'helicopter parent'?
Whatever did happen to your soul?
I heard you sold it
Choose Heaven for the weather and Hell for the company