As Bill from Left4Dead would say: "What a crock of shit!"
What do you get out of this advice?
nothing, I've read a huge pile of books by doctors and such on dating, relationships, and basic human needs/desires and where they stem from. I know too much. lol
Are you bothered?
I'm not bothered by it, but I don't think its right. Its just a reiteration of old beliefs, old mannerisms. Like stepping into a time machine. To be honest, its how my old Italian family thinks in general: old-fashioned.
Do you benefit from it?
Nope, there's nothing to learn here.
Do you find that it plays up to stereotypes?
I think its possibly trying to reach naive women. Women that have never dated, or dated unsuccessfully, or dated without any elderly advice. Its a stepping stone, perhaps. One perspective, but not the best perspective by far. Because its so old-fashioned, and so general, its insulting.
Do you think something entirely different?
I feel that there is no right or wrong way to date. Its all experience, and what better way to isolate what you want in a partner than experience? Take a chance, try something different, but just do what feels right. If you keep questioning yourself, try something new, make a change. Just don't give up.