Originally Posted by silent_jay
Seriously people watch this shit? This is the kind of shit that ruins America's reputation around the world when you have asshats like this spouting off about something he knows nothing about. He didn't know we were in the war, he's more than welcome to come to Trenton to watch a reparation ceremony, or stand on a bridge while the hearses carry our fallen down the Highway of Heroes on their way to Toronto.
That's about all I have to say on the subject for now, fuckin assholes should come to my town and open their mouths, I'm sure we could find a nice piece of forest to rest in.
First of all, no, most people don't watch this shit. Second, you're saying that what the host of some show that .1% of the country watches is what's destroying the reputation of our country, and you're advocating violence against him. Sounds perfectly reasonable.