What do you think of this statement?
It's simplistic, yes, but true non the less. I mean, the only way you can actually accomplish anything is by maintaining moderation.
Do you agree or disagree?
I am with
Zeraph, I agree.
Do you feel it speaks a partial truth?
I agreed, so I do feel it speeks a truth.
Do you see this statement as embodying any single philosophy or political agenda?
Nope, not really...
Do you feel strongly one way or another about this statement appearing in a college textbook?
Yes. It should have some sort of context backing it or not appear at all. You don't just leave an argument like that hanging in a scientific setting.
What personal life experiences shaped your opinion on the world food crisis?
Growing up in a third world country.
Do you think there is a food crisis?
No. Just idiots and dictators.
Can you suggest other methods that will help meet the growing nutritional needs of our world?
Educate the masses on what they should do to make more food as well as preserve the land.
Frankly, I don't beleive we can expand in space any time soon. We can hardly move from point A-B in enough time with hardly any complications let alone transport and move machinery necessary for colonising an entire planet bigger than earth.
Thing is, human beings have grown to believe they are more important than the environment. Have you seen what bad farming practices have done to what was once arable land in sub-Saharan Africa? We evolved because of the environment. We are here because of the earth, not the other way around.