I can't believe we're talking about Mars already.
The U.S. itself probably has enough farmland to feed the entire planet.
The issues with the world food supply aren't a matter of capacity or logistics; it's a matter of politics and economy.
* * * * *
What do you think of this statement?
I think it can easily be misread. But I also think it makes too much of an assumption that this is the easiest or most important "key."
Do you agree or disagree?
I agree somewhat. Though I'm sure I could easily disagree with what is an adequate or acceptable form of "population control."
Do you feel it speaks a partial truth?
Yes. Fewer people means a lowered food requirement.
Do you see this statement as embodying any single philosophy or political agenda?
No, not really. I can see the idea existing in a number of philosophies/agendas. China was mentioned, but if memory serves correctly, ancient societies managed their populations as well, especially the nomadic ones. The West is also well known for managing its population with immigration policies, easily accessible birth control, and education on matters of sexuality and family.
Do you feel strongly one way or another about this statement appearing in a college textbook?
I'm fine with it so long as the context is clear and isn't meant to instill a bias based purely one one reason or another. It should offer several angles on the issue.
What personal life experiences shaped your opinion on the world food crisis?
Education and awareness mainly. There are children going hungry right here in Toronto. There are millions of children far worse off around the world.
Do you think there is a food crisis?
Yes. But as I mentioned, I believe it's political and economic more than it is an issue of production capacity itself.
Can you suggest other methods that will help meet the growing nutritional needs of our world?
Move cultural dietary patterns toward a more sustainable diet (less animal products, more vegetable alternatives) through education and other programs. Also, we need to realize that food security is a highly political issue. It won't go away by ignoring it. There are several nations who have starvation, and yet they export tonnes of food to the West and elsewhere. WTF is up with that?
Knowing that death is certain and that the time of death is uncertain, what's the most important thing?
—Bhikkhuni Pema Chödrön
Humankind cannot bear very much reality.
—From "Burnt Norton," Four Quartets (1936), T. S. Eliot
Last edited by Baraka_Guru; 03-19-2009 at 09:12 AM..