I was at a similar point when I began considering a career with the air force. I nearly signed up, but decided to speak with my family about it first. They were livid that I would ever consider such a path. My mother had several close friends that died in the Viet Nam conflict. For my mother's sake, I did not join. I do not regret my decision. There are ways to serve your country and better society that do not involve military service.
Since you're doing so much research - here's my advice.
Talk to the TFP military guys such as Slims, Blktour, and Crompsin.
Talk to friends who have served in the military.
Determine what might be the best fit when it comes to a branch of the military and a job within that branch.
Read the book Fly Boys. If you can get through it without puking, you can probably stomach whatever the military throws at you.
Do some more soul searching.
Then go for it.
Tell your parents you're serious.
Tell them exactly what you'd like to do.
Ask them for support.
"Sometimes I have to remember that things are brought to me for a reason, either for my own lessons or for the benefit of others." Cynthetiq
"violence is no more or less real than non-violence." roachboy