With the economy the way it is today, the military is a good alternative. Finish your education first, it will help in the service, makes you good officer material.
My son graduated from a military school, thinking he was only going for the education, but decided to make it a career. Sure, I worry when he is deployed, but the only time he has used his weapon was to qualify for using it. Unfortunately we all see the news and it glorifies the "death and killing" but if you look at the number of soldiers deployed compared to the casualties, the percentage is quite low. Our soldiers are well trained and equipped, that is what I have to believe whenever my son is deployed. Not all the jobs are fighting on the front lines.
You mentioned that you are irresponsible, the military will take care of that, the discipline will do you good, now and later in life. The military is an honorable way to start your life. It will probably be a four year commitment, and if you find that you like it, retiring after twenty years with a military pension doesn't look too bad.
Good luck in whatever you decide.