Maybe at first glance TFP does seem like the other forums you have looked at but it's not. The people here are real, and I don't mean that in a "the people you were talkign to before are not" type way or the way of meaning that you know there is another human on the other side of the keyboard. I mean that if the people on here think you're being an idiot they will tell you, if you've just made a hard decision and are thinking about it twice they will give you their unvarnished opinion on whatever the matter could be.
TFP never seems to devolve into the personal attacks that so many other forums do, people never bring up disclosures that you have made to hurt you. For example I know no one on here would ever throw the fact that I have worked as a stripper back at me to hurt me, they see beyond things like that to the person underneath and weigh each of your comments individually rather then making snap judgements.
Much in the way that you describe your other forum TFP has become a bit of a family for me, when I need emotional support or an intellectual challenge or when I just need a laugh this is the place that I go (after the other half ofcourse).
There are people on here I adore, there are people I like and there have been a few short term members that have pushed every button I have and driven me close to fits of rage and yet I still come back.
If you want a place to talk about time travel, commitment, your porn problems or regrets about past relationships this is the best place I can think of.
love to all the TFP members
I don't know what I wuld do without you lot sometimes.