I almost posted
I am Ism, from another forum, the cage
We shut down a while back. We were a family there. Maybe not always one big happy, but a family none the less. I miss those guys. Now nothing on the net keeps my interest cept porn, even then only for 8:23 mins.
So lately I wonder what I should do with my random thoughts. Like tonight, I was thinking about the ex wife and time travel. If I could go back in time with all I know now, at that point where I knew I'd be in for the long haul, would I go for it? Course I'd word it better than that cuz I rite gud.
Honestly I only joined other forums so that some of the shit they refered to would make sense. You know ' BeBe on TFP said you were an ass' and the like.
I almost posted on a bunch of forums and they all seem the same including this one. And I'm not saying 'why should I grace you place with MY presence'
All I'm saying is
What's good?