A few people know my pin number to my bank account and my password to my online bank account, but I don't worry. I trust them enough to not fuck me in the ass and steal my money.
I trust them because I know they trust me and there's a relationship between us where we're able to determine the most likely thing the other would choose to do.
In broad daylight in the middle of Downtown, I walk past a thuggish looking kid.. I trust him for that split moment because who the hell would mug me in broad daylight in the middle of Downtown where there are hundreds of people who could see? For that moment him and I have a relationship of trust. It wouldn't be the same in a dark alley... but that's the level of trust I have with that thuggish looking kid. I mean.. he COULD mug me right there in broad daylight.. but I trust he won't.
By knowing people (in different ways) and by guessing what they would choose to do, that creates trust.
It's alright to wonder if your partner is cheating on you because we've grown up being taught that cheating does happen... and it's created a fear in us. We become afraid of being unloved. It only becomes unhealthy in a relationship when the wondering turns into invading our partner's privacy or personal space. Couples have their own kind of personal space.. so it differs with everybody, but invading it will remain the same.
I trust my friends and family to my account numbers, but if they steal money from me, that trust will be gone because they'd have crossed the line into my own personal territory.