I have no idea why, but I'm reminded of George Carlin's bit about Shell Shock and Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. I think what Carlin was pointing out was we got to the point we were more concerned with sanitizing the name than doing something about it.
I often feel we have created a society that enables some to throw a pity party, while others are omitted from the guest list. I'm sure therapy can help a great many people, but a great many that need it can't get it for various reasons. Among those reasons, many who need it can't recognize it and if they do, they can't afford it. On the other hand there are a great many getting therapy that most likely don't need it, but have somehow gotten propped up on a crutch that is hard to get off of.
Self help books and Dr. Phil are also things that we could perhaps do without. I'm sure Dr. Phil has some disclaimer before or after the show that nobody notices or pays little attention to that states that all your problems can't be solved in the hour minus commercials. But the rest of the show sure looks like it holds the answer to someone's problems.
Life for most of us is going to have moments of stress. Often those moments will go beyond stressful to damned, outright, fucking mind blowing. And while the OP's idea to get a job may not be totally accurate, it maybe isn't too far off either. We're going to have to be able to come to terms with the fact that we may have to settle for less than what we think we're entitled to.
I know, I'm off on a rant but damn it sometimes that helps settle the stress.
Don't always trust the opinions of experts.