For whatever reason, we learn from fairytales, novels, romantic comedies and so on that when you are with "the one" everything is easy. We "learn" that if its "real love" (whatever that means) things go seamlessly and effortlessly.
Reality? That is BS.
I've been with my wife for 10 years. We've lived together 6 of those. Living together means having to work at things, let some things go, fight for others, and sometimes work really hard for a compromise on something else.
And it is funny because so much of what you say apply to me (gifts, sleeping times, etc). Now, I wont go into how WE dealt with it, but we dealt with it and so can you.
Now, should you try to deal with it? Only you (and her) can answer that. Many people decide that whatever compromises they have to make are too much and not worth it, and go their separate ways. But the relationship is only "dying" if you (and her) feel that working at it is not worth it.
Gift giving, sleeping arrangements, house chores, tidiness, are all issues that virtually every single couple ever has had to deal with. It is all about how much you guys are willing to let go, and how much you guys are willing to compromise.