Originally Posted by ASU2003
I have to say that I am more interested in how they will solve the problems we currently are facing, not rehashing old grudges.
Because government officials are used to being immune from prosecution for their acts of criminal wrongdoings which land us in messes like this, they don't feel any qualms about being criminals while in office. Yes, we must solve the problems we have right now, but we must also address the root causes of the problems. Theft is almost nonexistant in Saudi Arabia because everyone there knows that if you steal and get caught (and you probably WILL get caught), you will lose your hand. I would suggest that some politicians think that if they can only create enough havoc by the time they leave office, we won't go after them because we'll be too busy fixing what they broke. Perhaps if we proved that theory wrong, we'd cut down a bit on the crookedness.