Working out a budget is crucial. Knowing how much is coming in and how much of that must go to necessities each and every month. Having a substantial cushion to save each month so you have something if the world doesn't play out as you expect.
Monthly expenses can include a regular car payment, mortgage, or other large expense that must be financed. I'm hesitant to jump into such arrangements, though. I had a heck of a time paying off my car and don't want to go through that experience with a house.
Education does not fall into the list of permissible debt in my mind. I have been able to fund my education or have sought grants to fund my education. There is no reason to go into debt for university or graduate school. Find a field of study that will pay for you if you can't pay it, dangit. There are enough doctors and lawyers out there. Getting out of school with more debt than you can hope to pay off in a year doesn't make sense in my mind.
"Sometimes I have to remember that things are brought to me for a reason, either for my own lessons or for the benefit of others." Cynthetiq
"violence is no more or less real than non-violence." roachboy