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Old 02-23-2009, 10:17 AM   #1 (permalink)
Glory's Sun
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Hot Sex: How To Do It

This is an article from Tracey Cox My wife and I have a few of her books and I have to say that she's honest and open and her books are quite easy and fun to read.. (not to mention the hot photos)

So here's a little teaser article that she wrote..

'Happiness isn't a destination; it's a means of travelling.' This old saying can be applied to foreplay. Rush through the 'travelling' and you might find the destination isn't quite as exciting as you'd expected. Lavish attention on the whole body and you can't help but take your time.

Erogenous zones are areas on our bodies that create intense sexual arousal when stimulated. Apart from the obvious bits that we all share (like the penis and the clitoris), each of us has our own secret area that sends frantic YES! YES! messages to all the right places. For some, it's being bitten in the small of their neck. Others go crazy when someone strokes their buttocks. But what works for one lover won't necessarily work on the next, so consider each new lover unexplored territory. There are few places on our bodies that we don't like being touched. Why restrict foreplay to the breasts and genitals when the entire body is itching for attention?

Take a body tour. When you get to a new city, you often take an orientation tour to get your bearings, right? Then what's stopping you doing the same with your new lover's body? You can go all out here and even use a few props. Make him lie down naked on his stomach and close his eyes - make sure the room you're in is private and warm - then trail a scarf slowly and tantalisingly across his naked bottom and back. Then turn him over and stroke a feather around his penis and scrotum. You can then move on to using your hands, hair, breasts and mouth on his nipples and genital area, creating different sensations as you search for his ultimate pleasure zones.

Try stroking her face, the back of her neck, her back. Play with her hair, lift it up from her neck and stroke underneath, slide your palms up and down her arms - and this is just while you're watching TV together. Don't even make it to the bedroom.

Massage his feet, kiss his toes, massage his hands, then take each finger into your mouth and suck it, pretending it's his penis.

Don't dive straight for his penis during foreplay. Use long, sensual strokes up his inner thighs until he's trembling with desire.

Bottoms up! Both your bottoms are an arousable area. Try massaging them, stroking, even gentle slapping. Don't neglect the perineum (the bit between your genitals and your anus). Press firmly and massage with two fingers, gently stroking along the entire length; use your tongue to do the same.

Use your fingers to rub along the outline of his lips, then insert a finger into his mouth for him to suck. Do the same with your nipples. He can do the same with his penis.

Get into neck nibbling. Do you know anyone who doesn't enjoy having their neck kissed or gently nibbled? (If you do, they're either incredibly ticklish, or totally uptight.) It's a sadly ignored area that can produce amazing results.

Suck her toes, slide your tongue into her belly button (try diving on her after a shower if you're paranoid about 'fluff) - have fun with foreplay! It really doesn't matter if she laughs instead of sighs - she's still complimented that you find all of her sexy, not just 'the good bits'.

Kiss all over his body, not just on his mouth and genitals.

Use your whole body to massage his. Lie on top of him when he's lying on his back or front, gyrate slowly and revel in the simple sensation of skin against skin.

And for my next trick...

Tie him up. We've all seen it done in the movies. You don't need to pop down to a sex shop and buy one of those leather numbers to slip on (unless you want to, of course) or crack a whip (ditto) to play the dominatrix. But you do need a bedpost (or chair) to tie him to, a couple of long scarves (some old stockings or a few of his ties will do) and a nasty smile on your face. Once he's comfortably trussed (don't cut off the circulation, you need the blood flowing for him to get an erection, let alone keep his heart pumping), you can try out a number of erotic scenarios, like . . .

Masturbate for him. Watching you give yourself pleasure will give him a big kick. The effect will be even more spectacular if you masturbate loudly and theatrically while he's tied up and is utterly helpless. If you want to get him really worked up, simply leave him tied up and then . . .

Blindfold him. Even a see-through chiffon scarf can increase the sexual tension tenfold. It also makes you less inhibited about what you do to him because he can't see you. Tie the scarf across his eyes then build the anticipation by withdrawing completely for a few seconds, then caressing him in his favourite places, and a few he's not expecting. This also lets his imagination run wild - you could be a provocative French maid, slave girl . . . you get the picture

Lick off their body Undress each other. Don't just fling your clothes in a corner and hop into bed naked; let him undress you and vice versa. Stop along the way to lick and caress the body part that's just been exposed.

Play the vamp. Thought the only time you'd use those long, black gloves was on black tie occasions? Put them on now and start masturbating him. Yes, it does come out in the wash.

Make it good enough to eat. Whipped cream, bananas and berries aren't just good for fruit salads. Take them out of the kitchen or, better still, stay there and satisfy two appetites at once. Having a feast off each other's bodies is a laugh more than anything else, but even if it simply makes sex more fun, it's worth the experiment. Unless you're talking hot and spicy foods, it's safe to smother or insert most foods in and around the genitals for both of you to devour. While you're at it, grab some ice-cubes from the freezer, put them into your mouth, then suck his penis.

Drop it. Leave the sisterhood stuff outside the bedroom door. If he fantasises about you dressing up as a waitress, serving him exactly what he hungers for, he is treating you like a sex object - but isn't that the point?

Go for the cliche - most men love it. Invest in some sexy black underwear. After a night out, take off your clothes to reveal stockings and suspenders. (Even better, flash him a glimpse while you're out.)

Tease, tickle and titillate. Brush your lips over his mouth but don't let him kiss back. Put his penis momentarily in your mouth, then withdraw and start kissing his neck. Sit on top of him and let him partially penetrate you, then get up and walk away. The trick is to keep him unbelievably aroused rather than frustrated. At some point, though, you have to put him out of his misery by bringing things (and him) to a fabulous finale!

So do you view sex as a adventure or are you more a "as long as I get mine I'm happy" type of person? Has anybody tried all of these? None of these? Thinking about it?

My wife and I have pretty much tried all of these and enjoy the whole experience of sexual fun. Sure there's room for a quickie now and then, but it's much more fun when we have the time to play and explore each other. It makes the ending much more enjoyable and keeps things fresh and fun.

thoughts? ideas? stories? share them here If you aren't comfortable, don't forget you can post anonymously. Just remember all the same rules apply even if you are posting anonymously!
Glory's Sun is offline  

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