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Old 02-23-2009, 09:43 AM   #14 (permalink)
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The Op asks a very personal question,
and I will go ahead with a very personal revealing response.

I have been on Social Security disability since 2003,
and haven't worked any other job since then, to supplement income.
Medicare for health insurance.
Foodstamp allowance is 14 dollars a month.

The disability check is now up to $743.00 a month.
Rent takes 30% of that. (utilities and cable included)

I drive with no insurance, (which is still legal in this state),
if I were to get in an accident, then I would have to have insurance.
I share the vehicle and its expenses with my mom,
who is also on disability.

I have been out of work long enough now,
that a sense of 'learned helplessness', that I was warned could happen, has set in.

The population of my town is 7000.
Most people that have better than minimum wage jobs,
have to commute at least a half hour or more away.

I started to look for work about a month ago.
With the recent economic implosion,
and the many many layoffs in the area...people are scrambling for any type of work.

The skills I have: (machinist-tool and die maker) I cannot use anymore
on a consistent level that an employer would require.

The pain level in my body from day to day is so variable that even
a simple cashiering job would be difficult to maintain with any consistent attendance,
but I am searching...perhaps I can find something that would only be a few hours a day.

I plan on moving towards a much larger city for a variety of reasons.
Part of what holds me back from moving is that my mother depends on me for many things.

I talk too much,
I am done for now.

This is relevant to this thread perhaps.,4560185.story

Last edited by ring; 02-23-2009 at 10:11 AM..
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