Originally Posted by Chilly McFreeze
I'm definitely thinking of picking this up, still a little concerned about how the standard Xbox controller will play though (it was awful for Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix). P'raps I'll give it a rent first.
360 controller actually isn't that bad. Obviously the d-pad is absolutely atrocious but the analog stick works surprisingly well. So far my 3 favorites to play are Sagat, C. Viper, & Ryu in that order. Unfortunately I get ragged on a lot by my friends for playing Sagat because he's currently considered top tier in the Japanese arcade rankings. I don't give a shit about tiers though, heh. I plan on picking up 2 arcade sticks so my friends and I can both play with sticks. I was either looking at the Hori EX2 or the MadCatz SE FightStick. However I've been hearing some bad things about the MadCatz SE stick. Apparently it has a design flaw with the stick that causes the washer to scrape up against something else making it really sticky. The FightPads are also reportedly having upwards of a 50% failure rate right out of the box with various issues like the d-pad not registering certain directions, the controller randomly shutting off, etc.
I haven't played Street Fighter seriously since SF2 on the SNES and this game has definitely brought back some fond memories.