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Old 02-21-2009, 12:18 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Street Fighter 4

Who here has picked this up and for what system? I've been playing it on 360 and i gotta say.. even on a normal non-HDTV the graphics are pretty damn bad-ass.

At first i was a little hesitant about playing it on 360 as the D-Pad on the 360 controller fucking sucked with the previous street fighters available via download, but i have to say they did an amazing job making the controls extremely fluid and easy even with such a shitty controller for these types of games.

The little extras they threw in like super and ultra combos, focused attacks, etc are really nice. And the zoom-in action shots during each of the ultra and supers are all interesting and a great part of the action.

I'm so extremely glad they kept it all as a 2D-style fighter as well, and for what it is it is really pretty complex and well balanced (except for Sagat who is just fucking overpowered.. Zangief is pretty strong too if you can't keep him at a distance.)

Many fan favorite characters and a few new ones sprinkled in keeps things familiar yet fresh, and there is already word that there will be downloadable characters (T. Hawk + others)

All-in-all i gotta say.. this game is pretty damn fuckin' good and if you have been thinking about picking it up i say go out and do it.

As for the arcade sticks and special controllers I've heard nothing but good things (i work in a video game store so i hear lots of opinions). So far i haven't heard really any complaints about this game and there hasn't been 1 person trying to trade in anything related to it. Not even GTA4 or Halo lasted this long without a trade-in in my store.
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Old 02-21-2009, 12:01 PM   #2 (permalink)
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i don't have a ps3, but i played this in the arcade and recently at a friend's place.

i like the way capcom designed this game: it's very forgiving for beginners, but if you want to get good at this, there's also a lot of depth.

however, i refuse to play this game without an arcade stick. and since i don't have my own next gen console, there is no reason for me to get a new stick.

i have, however, looked into different adapters that claim to be able to connect my ps2 arcade stick to the ps3. the problem is that i vaguely remember that only the 60gb ps3 is backwards compatible for hardware (which none of my friends have). i suppose that if the adapter is dirt cheap, i don't mind giving it a try even if it doesn't work
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Old 02-22-2009, 06:55 AM   #3 (permalink)
Location: England
I'm definitely thinking of picking this up, still a little concerned about how the standard Xbox controller will play though (it was awful for Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix). P'raps I'll give it a rent first.
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Old 02-22-2009, 12:14 PM   #4 (permalink)
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I rented it but I just can't get into to like I used to, back when Street Fighter 2 Turbo came out I could play it for hours. I only really use the Xbox for racing games and FPS and the computer for WoW
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Old 02-23-2009, 02:43 AM   #5 (permalink)
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have u tried balrog? they really buffed him up for this one
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Old 02-23-2009, 09:28 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Chilly McFreeze View Post
I'm definitely thinking of picking this up, still a little concerned about how the standard Xbox controller will play though (it was awful for Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix). P'raps I'll give it a rent first.
360 controller actually isn't that bad. Obviously the d-pad is absolutely atrocious but the analog stick works surprisingly well. So far my 3 favorites to play are Sagat, C. Viper, & Ryu in that order. Unfortunately I get ragged on a lot by my friends for playing Sagat because he's currently considered top tier in the Japanese arcade rankings. I don't give a shit about tiers though, heh. I plan on picking up 2 arcade sticks so my friends and I can both play with sticks. I was either looking at the Hori EX2 or the MadCatz SE FightStick. However I've been hearing some bad things about the MadCatz SE stick. Apparently it has a design flaw with the stick that causes the washer to scrape up against something else making it really sticky. The FightPads are also reportedly having upwards of a 50% failure rate right out of the box with various issues like the d-pad not registering certain directions, the controller randomly shutting off, etc.

I haven't played Street Fighter seriously since SF2 on the SNES and this game has definitely brought back some fond memories.
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Old 02-23-2009, 09:26 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Esoteric View Post
360 controller actually isn't that bad. Obviously the d-pad is absolutely atrocious but the analog stick works surprisingly well. So far my 3 favorites to play are Sagat, C. Viper, & Ryu in that order. Unfortunately I get ragged on a lot by my friends for playing Sagat because he's currently considered top tier in the Japanese arcade rankings. I don't give a shit about tiers though, heh. I plan on picking up 2 arcade sticks so my friends and I can both play with sticks. I was either looking at the Hori EX2 or the MadCatz SE FightStick. However I've been hearing some bad things about the MadCatz SE stick. Apparently it has a design flaw with the stick that causes the washer to scrape up against something else making it really sticky. The FightPads are also reportedly having upwards of a 50% failure rate right out of the box with various issues like the d-pad not registering certain directions, the controller randomly shutting off, etc.

I haven't played Street Fighter seriously since SF2 on the SNES and this game has definitely brought back some fond memories.
Sagat, Viper and Ryu are all considered strong characters according to the Tougeki tier list. So if anything, you should get ragged on for only using top tier-ish characters (can't remember if viper is in the top tier category) :P

i've heard nothing but good things about the tournament edition stick, and since it uses japanese parts, i can't imagine it being bad. so if you have some extra dough, you should consider investing in 2 of the tournament edition sticks.
"Your name's Geek? Do you know the origin of the term? A geek is someone who bites the heads off chickens at a circus. I would never let you suck my dick with a name like Geek"

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Old 02-24-2009, 09:02 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Siege View Post
Sagat, Viper and Ryu are all considered strong characters according to the Tougeki tier list. So if anything, you should get ragged on for only using top tier-ish characters (can't remember if viper is in the top tier category) :P

i've heard nothing but good things about the tournament edition stick, and since it uses japanese parts, i can't imagine it being bad. so if you have some extra dough, you should consider investing in 2 of the tournament edition sticks.
Viper was bottom tier when I decided to play her from watching arcade videos. By the time the console version came out she had climbed the list. Tiers in this game seem practically worthless though. Nearly every match-up is 60/40 and very few are 70/30. One of the 70/30 match-ups being Viper vs Zangief. It's 70/30 in his favor. It seems like SF4 is going to be more about match-ups than tiers, which is a good thing. My order has changed also. I like playing Viper more than anyone else, especially after I found out how to do Seismic Hammers a hell of a lot easier last night. I'd also love to get the TE sticks but those are way out of my price range so I'm probably going to get the Hori EX2's.

This was the most recent tier list from Tougeki Damashii (posted on MLG 2/23/09) LINK

S +
Sagat, Viper, Gouki, Zangief

Ryu, Bison, Rufus, Blanka

Chun li, Vega, Ken, Dalshim, Abel, Honda, Fuerte

Balrog, Guile

Balrog, Vega, and Bison are referring to their Japanese names (i.e. Balrog = Claw).

Pretty interesting. I'm curious to see what the console lists will look like though, haha.
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Old 02-24-2009, 02:01 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Buff Vega.
Worst. Fighter. Ever.
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Old 02-24-2009, 06:38 PM   #10 (permalink)
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From what i remember Sagat is the only tier S character in the consoles. I'm just going off memory from skimming the strategy guide at work tho. Also i think Vega was the lowest rank, and yea he is kinda weak. At least his moves are easier to pull off in this game.

I don't think Zangief was listed S but he should be. He's so unbelievably overpowered. I beat arcade mode with him on hardest without even breaking a sweat. Just gotta get close and there's very little that can be done. You can just spam pile-drivers, and they don't seem to be blockable.
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Old 02-26-2009, 01:03 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Me and Esoteric have essentially banned Zangief from the 360. Go spam low kick with Duck King on Streets of Rage if you wanna be a fag, damnit.
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Old 02-26-2009, 09:23 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by highdro69 View Post
Me and Esoteric have essentially banned Zangief from the 360. Go spam low kick with Duck King on Streets of Rage if you wanna be a fag, damnit.
Does zangief win every match and every tournament with low kick?


Then, i don't see a problem. A basic strategy is keep the hell away from him. Gouki comes to mind instantly.
"Your name's Geek? Do you know the origin of the term? A geek is someone who bites the heads off chickens at a circus. I would never let you suck my dick with a name like Geek"

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Old 02-27-2009, 06:18 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Siege View Post
Does zangief win every match and every tournament with low kick?


Then, i don't see a problem. A basic strategy is keep the hell away from him. Gouki comes to mind instantly.
How would you recommend beating him if you can't get anywhere near him? Honestly, you seem to have a strategy, hook me up so I can own some people.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:29 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by highdro69 View Post
How would you recommend beating him if you can't get anywhere near him? Honestly, you seem to have a strategy, hook me up so I can own some people.
zangief has a hard time dealing with a gouki that knows how to space properly, or really, any character that knows how to space properly. gouki has the easiest time doing this, followed by the other chars with fireballs and it's usually hardest with chars who do not have projectiles.

you can space him very well with your regular, 3 hit (can't remember the name), and air fireballs. every single one of them is useful in keeping zangief at the optimal range.

this results in really really boring play, so the gouki must be patient and dedicated to winning.

here's a great video to support what i am saying, notice the spacing:

most people will watch this and probably complain that KO is being completely outrageous. and he is, but it's also outrageous that zangief can kill gouki with a couple of SPDs.
"Your name's Geek? Do you know the origin of the term? A geek is someone who bites the heads off chickens at a circus. I would never let you suck my dick with a name like Geek"

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Last edited by Siege; 02-27-2009 at 08:33 PM..
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Old 02-28-2009, 11:02 AM   #15 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Siege View Post
Does zangief win every match and every tournament with low kick?


Then, i don't see a problem....
Originally Posted by Siege View Post
... but it's also outrageous that zangief can kill gouki with a couple of SPDs.
sooooo...... you admit zangief is cheap as hell then? or... what?
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Old 02-28-2009, 01:50 PM   #16 (permalink)
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If you know how to focus-dash then fireballs aren't a problem. You can charge focus, absorb the fireball and dash forward before the focus ends to make your way across the screen.

The guy in that video plays way too conservatively as Zangief. You really need to be aggressive with him to get in close. I don't get why in a few pats he would just stand there and let the player spam fireballs at him and spin to avoid them when he could jump over them and get in there. Watching both of them block-walk is pretty lame too.

I'm also really confused as to why that Zangief was low punch/kicking so much when every single one of his other moves are so much more powerful. His fierce kick covers like half the screen and does an insane amount of damage, and it didnt seem like he was trying for any kind of pile-drivers at all. He looked to be over-thinking way to much. Zangief is big and stupid, so you have to play like that sometimes. Get in there and fuck shit up.

Against that block-walking Gouken i would use Z's Kick pile-driver which makes Z run forward, smack the blocker's hands down and pile-drive them. After that you're right up close and have Gouken at your mercy. Push him into the corner and he's pretty fucked.
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Old 02-28-2009, 09:45 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by highdro69 View Post
sooooo...... you admit zangief is cheap as hell then? or... what?
i admit that it's a reasonably fair battle.

zangief is good at killing gouki if he is able to get in. gouki is good at keeping zangief out.

Originally Posted by ObieX View Post
If you know how to focus-dash then fireballs aren't a problem. You can charge focus, absorb the fireball and dash forward before the focus ends to make your way across the screen.

The guy in that video plays way too conservatively as Zangief. You really need to be aggressive with him to get in close. I don't get why in a few pats he would just stand there and let the player spam fireballs at him and spin to avoid them when he could jump over them and get in there. Watching both of them block-walk is pretty lame too.

I'm also really confused as to why that Zangief was low punch/kicking so much when every single one of his other moves are so much more powerful. His fierce kick covers like half the screen and does an insane amount of damage, and it didnt seem like he was trying for any kind of pile-drivers at all. He looked to be over-thinking way to much. Zangief is big and stupid, so you have to play like that sometimes. Get in there and fuck shit up.

Against that block-walking Gouken i would use Z's Kick pile-driver which makes Z run forward, smack the blocker's hands down and pile-drive them. After that you're right up close and have Gouken at your mercy. Push him into the corner and he's pretty fucked.
i can't comment on this, since i don't play zangief nor gouki. but since this is a tournament video (i believe the finals) from game chariot (which arguably has some of the highest level of play in the world), there has to be a reason for zangief's play.

also, the focus dashing isn't always optimal, since all it does is build your revenge meter and allows you to heal assuming you don't get hit while healing. if you like focus dashing fireballs a lot against gouki, you're bound to get hit by a 3 hitter or ex (air)fireball.
"Your name's Geek? Do you know the origin of the term? A geek is someone who bites the heads off chickens at a circus. I would never let you suck my dick with a name like Geek"

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Last edited by Siege; 02-28-2009 at 09:50 PM..
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Old 02-28-2009, 11:10 PM   #18 (permalink)
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also, the focus dashing isn't always optimal, since all it does is build your revenge meter and allows you to heal assuming you don't get hit while healing. if you like focus dashing fireballs a lot against gouki, you're bound to get hit by a 3 hitter or ex (air)fireball.
I just gave it as an option to get close when getting fireball spammed other than jumping which can leave you open to anti-air attacks. The spinning in place he was doing (3:48-4:05). would dodge the fireballs, sure, but it didn't put him any closer to do damage. I don't understand what he was doing there.

As for the jabbing i mentioned.. i dunno.. i guess he was trying to go for combos. But with Zangief jabbing and combos are both completely unnecessary.

My favorite character is Cammy i think btw. After her its a toss-up between Sakura and Gouken
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Old 03-01-2009, 01:26 AM   #19 (permalink)
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I am playign with ryu on the hardest setting, and I cant beat Seth at all. he is too freaking hard!!!
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Old 03-01-2009, 10:42 AM   #20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ObieX View Post
I just gave it as an option to get close when getting fireball spammed other than jumping which can leave you open to anti-air attacks. The spinning in place he was doing (3:48-4:05). would dodge the fireballs, sure, but it didn't put him any closer to do damage. I don't understand what he was doing there.

As for the jabbing i mentioned.. i dunno.. i guess he was trying to go for combos. But with Zangief jabbing and combos are both completely unnecessary.

My favorite character is Cammy i think btw. After her its a toss-up between Sakura and Gouken
The spinning builds regular meter. Perhaps he wanted meter to use ex hand splashes.

i haven't played this game enough (i'm still waiting to get a ps2->ps3 adapter) but so far i'm enjoying ken and sakura.
"Your name's Geek? Do you know the origin of the term? A geek is someone who bites the heads off chickens at a circus. I would never let you suck my dick with a name like Geek"

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Old 03-01-2009, 01:23 PM   #21 (permalink)
Location: England
I caved and bought it in the end, and I'm really liking it. The 360 pad's not too bad (if you use the stick), but I'm definitely thinking of investing in a fight stick. The trouble is the Madcatz one's are all sold out, and the Hori stick seems to have been discontinued, so it looks like ebay will be my only option.

I'm digging Rose, I think she'll end up being my main. She just seems a nice well rounded character, particularly against Shotos, and her ultra rocks.
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Old 03-14-2009, 05:24 PM   #22 (permalink)
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My mains have changed, lol. I've given up on C. Viper for now at least until I get a stick. Sakura and Abel are who I play majority of the time. I'm really curious to see the console tier lists even though I don't give a shit about tiers.

Those of us that have this for 360 should share gamertags so we can get some online friendlies. :]
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Old 03-23-2009, 05:55 AM   #23 (permalink)
Location: Houston,TX
Love this game, a few friends and I will chill at a buddy places have we have smoked and drank a bit and play this until the wee hours in the night. Awesome game.
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Old 04-09-2009, 09:16 PM   #24 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Chilly McFreeze View Post
I caved and bought it in the end, and I'm really liking it. The 360 pad's not too bad (if you use the stick), but I'm definitely thinking of investing in a fight stick. The trouble is the Madcatz one's are all sold out, and the Hori stick seems to have been discontinued, so it looks like ebay will be my only option.
Horis are still around. play-asia should have them. Or you could:
1) wait until May when the Madcatz Tournament Fightstick is re-released
2) buy a converter and use your old PS2 stick
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Old 04-16-2009, 09:34 AM   #25 (permalink)
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I played it in-store and was dissapointed. I was always more of a NeoGeo gamer than CapCom, more due to the terrain/levels/evasion interaction than chars/skills, so the fact that SF4 is still purely linear 2D (despite a 3D background) didn't score any points with me.
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Old 04-16-2009, 04:26 PM   #26 (permalink)
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3d or 2d. it takes skill to play and beat people over and over again, unlike some new games that are out now. I know that I felt I was a decent player but once online, i freaking uber suck.
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Old 04-17-2009, 02:03 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ObieX View Post
Who here has picked this up and for what system? I've been playing it on 360 and i gotta say.. even on a normal non-HDTV the graphics are pretty damn bad-ass.
Yet I still prefer SF2 Turbo for SNES. I wonder why that is.......

Oh wait cause I can actually win at that one.

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