Who here has picked this up and for what system? I've been playing it on 360 and i gotta say.. even on a normal non-HDTV the graphics are pretty damn bad-ass.
At first i was a little hesitant about playing it on 360 as the D-Pad on the 360 controller fucking sucked with the previous street fighters available via download, but i have to say they did an amazing job making the controls extremely fluid and easy even with such a shitty controller for these types of games.
The little extras they threw in like super and ultra combos, focused attacks, etc are really nice. And the zoom-in action shots during each of the ultra and supers are all interesting and a great part of the action.
I'm so extremely glad they kept it all as a 2D-style fighter as well, and for what it is it is really pretty complex and well balanced (except for Sagat who is just fucking overpowered.. Zangief is pretty strong too if you can't keep him at a distance.)
Many fan favorite characters and a few new ones sprinkled in keeps things familiar yet fresh, and there is already word that there will be downloadable characters (T. Hawk + others)
All-in-all i gotta say.. this game is pretty damn fuckin' good and if you have been thinking about picking it up i say go out and do it.
As for the arcade sticks and special controllers I've heard nothing but good things (i work in a video game store so i hear lots of opinions). So far i haven't heard really any complaints about this game and there hasn't been 1 person trying to trade in anything related to it. Not even GTA4 or Halo lasted this long without a trade-in in my store.