Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
Or how about, "A good friend will come bail you out of jail, but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying...'Damn, that was fun!'" I just like that quote...it doesn't really have anything to do with trust.
Sure it does. My good friends are my good friends because I trust them. I can have friends that I don't trust. Coworkers, acquaintances, random people I meet more than once... but there is no trust. I have Plan B fired up when I'm dealing with them so it won't be a huge shock if they decide to ditch me, stab me in the back, or eat my Lucky Charms. Good friends are
a part of Plan B. I like to use the jail / body saying because I feel it is pertinent.
Who can you really count on in life? Those are the people you trust to the fullest extent of the word, second-guessin' semantics aside.
Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
Trust is definitely different from romantic love, you're right on that score, Crompsie--but romantic love is soooo much better when there is that earned, developed trust in addition to the romantic love.
Pfft, romance is a diversion. I've never had a girlfriend that would help me move a body. I'll keep looking, though. She's out there, waiting for my weirdness.