Divorce- Yuck
Ok so I am 21, a mother of one beautiful little girl, going through a divorce. Somethings I guess are just simply not meant to be. My ex and I have tried everything I can imagine to make this work, it just can't. The arguing was constant, the painful words lasting. But now even though I know this isnt going to work , and that I want this divorce to happen, I find myself wanting to go back out of loneliness. It's almost like I expected someone to just drop in and take me away from all this? It's by far the most complicated, painful, confusing thing I have ever gone through. I know this isnt supposed to be an easy, fun process, But why am I the one crying and him the one moving on with his daily life. I dont expect him to sit around and boo hoo, but damn! I know in the future everythings going to turn out ok, but how do I get through the now?