even though i was born in australia, i was born and raised on a lebanese family, and only spoke arabic at home to my parents. its not that my parents didnt know how to speak english, it was that they knew i would pick up english easily, and arabic would become my second language.
they were right.
i went to school knowing only two words of english. literally..Miss and Toilet.
within 2 weeks of being in school i was reading full sentences, and could read like most of the kids. but because i was one of the few 'wogs' in the school, i was sent to ESL.
i spent a good 2 years in ESL feeling alienated from the rest of the class. we would be sent to ESL to play instruments. it was degrading. i never liked it, actually i loathed it. i remember hating going there because i knew that at the age of 7 i was a better speller than most of the people in my year, and would read almost anything i could get my hands on. i'd read the daily tabloid everyday when dad brought it home.
so being forced to go with the rest of the 'wogs' even though i was much better than the anglos was collective racism for me. i didnt have a word for it back then, but i knew exactly what it was.
ESL was traumatic for me. maybe it was a good thing for some, but ive been scarred by it ever since.
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere
I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay?
- Filthy
Last edited by dlish; 02-08-2009 at 10:33 AM..
Reason: sp.