I swear I answered this in another thread outside the Ladies Lounge. I prefer someone who is close to my age. There is no real "eeww" factor for me; it's just that we would be more likely to be near the same stages in life. Just one example of many: children. I have had all the kids that I want, most of whom are half grown or grown. I would not want to seriously date someone who was much younger and looking forward to "starting" a family. I am just not on that page anymore. And having a serious relationship with a much older man, who is enjoying his "freedom", happy that his children are finally grown? I think I would feel a bit awkward since my youngest is a toddler. I can't just head to the movies on the spur of the moment; I have to find a sitter. I have retired aunts/uncles who hit the road in a travel trailer often. That's not an option for me; I have a job and kids in school. I would prefer to be at least in the same chapter.
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"Ok, no more truth-or-dare until somebody returns my underwear" ~ George Lopez
I bake cookies just so I can lick the bowl. ~ ItWasMe