Ugh, I'm getting a definite Speed Racer/ Forbidden Kingdom vibe from the trailer. I was such a die-hard dragonball and dbZ fan in grade school, had manga issues from freeza all the way to majin buu. Watched the cheesy
1989 movie as well as all the animated films. Had the laminated posters, the cloth scrolls, cut and died my hair to match Trunks too! Like what Fresnelly said, they probably originally started out with something true to the story. Then the studio probably came in and started making "suggestions" to the story and the casting. (Roshi can't be a pervert, put Goku in high school for teenage shenanigans). I don't know how the film will do now that most fans seem discouraged by it, but I guess it'll be big with kids once action figures and light up dragonballs and fireballs start hitting stores.
Why do I feel like I'm going to have the same reaction when Keanu's Cowboy Bebop movie comes out?