In my opinion age 'does' matter but not in the way most people think of the phrase.
I have seen WAY too many younger men - by younger I mean 35 and younger - who are so juvenile in some ways that it eventually gets on your nerves in a big way. Or at least my nerves anyway.
I was engaged to a man who was 29 when I was 19. It was working great, except for one thing. He had developed a way of thinking where he rarely put up with the problems of a job for very long. He was unstable and so set in his ways that there was no way of encouraging a change for the better. Yeah, I know, a woman should not expect to change a man, but we still think we can in many cases.
I am with a much older man now and LOVE it. Yeah, he's set in his ways, but his 'ways' mesh with my 'ways' so well that it's not a problem. Then there's the benefit that he doesn't act juvenile, and is responsible, mature, and stable. Many things that younger men are not.
I guess what I'm getting at is, older men are GREAT (especially in bed

). But just be careful to look for things that could drive you nuts later. Don't even think for one second that you'll be able to encourage a change in the guy. Cause it is TRUE, "Old dogs CAN'T learn new tricks."
Enjoy and good luck.