You can lump in the whoring around, fwb, and flings in the serial monogamy option. You are only with one person at a time, however short a time that is. Or if you go back and forth between two or more people, it's still a short term thing each time. I don't know...I didn't want the list to get too big.
If you are with more than one person at a time, then it would be swinging.
And the right relationship for me and what is the best relationship lifestyle are two different questions. I am more interested in the second one now, and would rather have the people with TFP morals and ideals picking than the population at large. What the population at large will pick and what they actually do are two different things. I am interesting in hearing if you choose one lifestyle for yourself, or did it choose you (so to speak)? Would you have been fine being with your first partner the rest of your life? Did you always know that you wanted to try a few different things to find out which one worked best for you? Do you wish you hadn't had that one drunken sex filled year in high school or college? Do you wish you had stayed a virgin for 30+ years to wait for your current partner? Or did you do this and now wish you would have had sex when the opportunities for no-strings-attached sex came up before?
If you want a real life situation to ponder, here it is. I'm going down to Florida in March. I'm sure there will be plenty of drunk spring break college girls where I am going. If the opportunity for random one night spring break sex with a hot girl comes up, would you choose that over possibly finding a girl in my home town and having a good relationship, but always wondering what else is out there? Or there was this bi-sexual girl that lives a few hours away that I might be able to have a relationship with who would probably be open to finding another girl, even though I would be fine with not sleeping with the second girl. It would make some things better having three people, but also cause a few problems.
The group option could have come up in college. I had a really good friend, and could finally understand swinging, because I would have been fine swapping partners with him. His girlfriend and that friend had an open relationship, but I didn't get involved due to me wanting my first time to be with someone that actually likes me and would do it again the next day. But, if a girlfriend and I had been in a few relationships before, and the option to become roommates with them and another couple came up. I could see loving more than one person and being happy. I'm just surprised we don't see or hear of this type of relationship more.
Swinging seems to me to be for people who can separate the love emotions from sex. It's fun to watch, and soft swinging without swapping partners seems like a great time to me. But I don't think I am looking for random people or random friends to bring into the bedroom.