Agree 110% with GG on this one
She was obviously interested but couldn't work up the balls to tell you how she felt ( I don't care that she doesn't actually have them btw before anyone corrects me on this)
You did the right thig, you found you were developing more then feeling of platonic friendship and told her how you felt. She decided otherwise.
Who knows why she reacted the way she did, maybe she had given up, maybe she just thought of you as a friend, maybe she had just received test results proving she had syphilis and wanted to wait to get that cleared up before jumping into a relationship or maybe she was just a tease who wanted to have a heap of guys running around after her at work.
Either way she passed up an opportunity to have a great thing, your love and affection. Never EVER EVER believe that is not a fantastic gift you have to give to someone else, this girl obviously doesn't value it as highly as she should. So wait til you find someone who does, one day you will meet some girl who you think is gorgeous and smart and funny and who you just click with and all that shyness and hesitance you feel will drop away after a few days chatting to her.
As for Anne, if she comes back (and she well might) keep in mind that she's already toyed with your feelings once and before you talk to her, kiss her, invite her over look her in the eyes and decide if she's worth going through what you're going through now all over again. Unless you can fully with every inch of you say yes she is, don't do it.
"I want to be remembered as the girl who always smiles even when her heart is broken... and the one that could brighten up your day even if she couldnt brighten her own"
"Her emotions were clear waters. You could see the scarring and pockmarks at the bottom of the pool, but it was just a part of her landscape – the consequences of others’ actions in which she claimed no part."