On the Introvert-Extrovert spectrum, you probably fall slightly on the Introvert side. It's hard for Introverts in this world--we're socialized to think that being outgoing and sociable and all that stuff is "right", and getting energy from being on our own is "wrong". So people who fall where you fall on the spectrum are able to be up for what the world expects of them a lot of the time, but sometimes just need to get away and take a breath. Nothing wrong.
lurkette's the same way. I'm basically the opposite; if there's a party, I want to go. And not just like shrug my shoulders and show up--I'd actually really prefer to be there. And I've learned, over the years, that the proper care and feeding of an Introvert means sometimes you pass stuff up so she can take care of herself. Not a problem--a good thing to know, actually.