Houseguests...How much say do we have?
OK, quick summarization. Wife's daughter, her husband and daughter are staying with us for an indefinite period until they can get on their feet. Biggest hurdle is both the adults are on disability, and have limited income. They've not used the one check they received while with us very wisely, and are now pawning some stuff to make it until the next check. Problem is, they haven't offered us much in the way of compensation of the money the owe us ($800) and with the stuff being pawned, I'm afraid that we won't see any money from this next check either.
So now I pose the question. Given the situation, what would the limitations be on how much say my wife and I have on the way they handle money? I mean, with them under our roof, it sure feels like we shouldn't have many restrictions. My wife and I have agreed to discuss the situation and come forward with a united front, so we won't be going into this blindly disagreeing with one another. Opinions?
"No laws, no matter how rigidly enforced, can protect a person from their own stupidity." -Me-
"Some people are like Slinkies..... They are not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs." -Unknown-
DAMMIT! -Jack Bauer-