Grumpyoldguy is very wise on this topic. I have a little more to add in a similar vein.
Humans enjoy the things they enjoy for a reason. You're right that play is a way of experiencing something similar to a real challenge without actually risking anything. This is, therefore, a perfect way to practise and learn.
In all species intelligent enough, play is a valuiable way to gain experience and hone skills without endangering the animal involved. Dogs play tug-of-war to strengthen their jaws and prepare for bringing down prey. Cats pounce on their owners as they walk by, mimicking their surprise-based hunting style. Rabbits "frisk," improving their leaping ability to help them avoid capture. Humans play football to practise pack-hunting dynamics and strengthen their team spirit and bonding skills.
If the first time you have to work on a team is when you are shoved into the work world and have an important project to do, you won't be as effective as if you were a quarterback in high school and know how to help people work well together and utilize their strengths.
We feel pleasure in these safe play activities because they're good for us! The secret is just to maximise your return. For example, instead of playing Doom, try Call of Duty and practise teamwork. Instead of watching Ultimate Bachelor, watch Top Chef (food is a good way of helping others in a very immediate way). Instead of masturbating with a death grip and killing your sensitivity, do it gently and use it as a chance to gain better control of your orgasm so you can make love more easily.
And by the way, aesthetics have inherent value and are worthy of your attention. Music and art make life worth living. They have profound effect on our moods and can save lives. I can't work without music to inspire me and I have the greatest respect and gratitude to the men and women who create it. If I did not have the benefit of the many, many ways in which people make life beautiful (not just music and art, but architecture, gardening, fashion, etc.) then a cure for cancer would be meaningless because I would rather be dead than live in a silent, gray, dead world.
There's no justice. There's just us.