I'm curious as to what James opinion would be if it wasn't the Senators 'pest' involved, say this had taken place last year with let's say Darcy Tucker, biting Brian McGrattan's hand, I reckon you'd be singing a different tune. It's the same with most hockey fans though, it's no big deal if it's your team...lol. I just hate how it makes the game look bad, Ruutu's a clown, I'm sure karma will catch up with him.
The personality of the player or them being idiots really doesn't matter, this could be Crosby biting Ovechkin for all I care, it's still wrong, no matter if your hand is in the guys face or not, biting is not the proper reaction, we tell our fuckin kids not to bite, yet this is no big deal, or is deserved by Peters.
As Roenick said in his interview, "it's a chickenshit move".
Absence makes the heart grow fonder