Does Jack Dempsey vs Mike Tyson count?
It lasts about 2 rounds.... at the bell Tyson - a young Tyson, a 22 year old Tyson - is quicker, throwing uppercuts and hooks as Dempsey charges forward again and again trying to slip and hook and clinch. With 30 seconds left in round the first Tyson puts Dempsey down with a vicious left uppercut. Dempsey rises on 8 and, fighting on instinct, somehow scraps through the rest of the round as an enraged Tyson tries to finish him.
In round two the bout descends into a virtual street fight - all tactics go out the window as the two men tear into each other. Two thirds of the way through the round Tyson seems to be gaining ascendancy, but suddenly Dempsey strikes with a savage hook to the body. Tyson visibly shudders to his core, but gamely tries to fight back; but Dempsey keeps coming forwards, swarming all around him, taking blows but delivering more. With 20 seconds left Tyson drops under a barrage of short hooks, makes one futile attempt to rise and then collapses on his face. As the ref counts him out the animal in Dempsey suddenly seems to disappear, and he helps the fallen champ to his feet and carries him to his corner.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas