Your premise seems to be that all leisure activity (or "fun"), as well as any vocation devoted toward the enhancement of leisure activities, is a waste of time and effort. That's just wrong.
The human machine needs "down time" to refresh and recharge. Without some distraction from the daily grind, we lose efficiency. Even the strictest of cultures understand this. There have been various forms of entertainment in every recorded civilization. The highest achieving cultures, the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, etc., placed a very high value on art, theater, music and poetry. Even enslaved populations (Hebrews at various stages of their history, the American Black slaves) developed entertainments in order to make their drudgery move bearable. One might deduce that it is a vital part of life.
The old adage "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" isn't just referring to Jack's personality. Jack needs to relax sometime to regain his edge, to stay sharp on the job. We all do. The industries that facilitate this are valuable, and not a waste of time and effort.
There are, and will always be, those that abuse this resource. That is a flaw in the individual, not the culture.
"Regret can be a harder pill to swallow than failure .With failure you at least know you gave it a chance..." David Howard