What's the point in life without beauty?
Would there be a purpose in humanity existing if we didn't have artists, musicians and writers as well as scientists and doctors? The things that they create and do give us hope for our own lives, they enchance our ability to survive and appreciate life not detract from it.
Is Van Goghs life worth less then someone that cures a disease? Technically his works have improved the life of many more by reaching through the medium he has chosen (in this case his paintings) and touching their soul.
You seem to have gone through and assigned arbitrary worth to different aspects of human nature - why is the desire to live valued more then the desire to create? We only study chemistry and cure diseases because we want to live longer or be remembered for a discovery - isn't that therefore an exploit of our desire to live beyond what we physically can do?
You seem to be saying that if it is not directly related to survival then it is not worth the time and effort put into it but what is the point in surviving if you're not going to spend that time doing things that bring you pleasure? Doctors don't take a vow to keep you alive they take a vow to improve the quality of your life.
As for YOUR life - well you will make a terrible shrink if it is not what you want to do with your life ( I have been to enough shrinks over the years to be able to say that with complete honesty) you can't do work of that nature if you feel like you 'have' to do it. You need to want to do it.
What if you are the next Mozart or Beethoven? What if you were the next Chopin? What if you could bring inspiration to do the right thing in life and appreciate the beauty of the world we have been given to live in through your music?
Would your life have meant more in the long term by pursuing what you love and possibly touching thousands if not millions of people or by doing what you feel you should do and pursuing a psychiatric career?
"I want to be remembered as the girl who always smiles even when her heart is broken... and the one that could brighten up your day even if she couldnt brighten her own"
"Her emotions were clear waters. You could see the scarring and pockmarks at the bottom of the pool, but it was just a part of her landscape – the consequences of others’ actions in which she claimed no part."