I have written about a few friends and the past, now is the tyime to write about the present.
I started a Detox Alumni group a while ago to help some fresh out of Detox meet some people with some time in who can help them. The object is not to discuss and have a 12 step meeting but to help build a weekly support group that can inform of good meetings, help with coping while waiting for further treatment and so on.
I originally had it at 4 on Wednesdays and it failed miserably, so not to be discouraged I moved it to Sundays at 2PM. That made a huge difference. While not many from Detox come, we have formed a band of brothers that seem to actually look forward to Sundays and show every week, even though we all stay in contact or see each other on a regular, almost daily basis.
There's Everette. Everette is about 6'5, 64 years young and full of knowledge on the Big Book. Everette is a great friend and actually took me to the doctor last Monday, in case there was bad news I had someone there with me. Everette is well liked in the Akron Recovery area and many seek his wisdom. He has the driest sense of humour this side of the Atlantic and can make one laugh when they feel like crying. He is one of the most truly caring and truly best friends I have ever had in my life, he has moments but he is my mentor and I aspire to have a heart and care for people like he has.
Then there's Mike. Mike is one who when you first meet him comes off gruff. Within minutes he'll tell you, without hesitation and as seriously as a heart attack, he is not a likable person, he is cold and bitter and you don't want him as a friend because he hates people. Then he'll buy ya a coffee or soda, smile and have you laughing. Mike is a brother from another mother to me. We are similar in many ways and different in many, I think that is why we relate so well. He is an extremely intelligent man who probably has forgotten more about science and mechanics than the rest of us combined have ever learnt. He is one very special man and friend that can have you laughing in no time.
Jason is our resident militant. He'll sniff bullshit out as well as give it. Jason is not scared to put his 2 cents in on any conversation and it is all NA militant read the book go to meetings and get a fucking life stuff. He is quick to ask me to get someone into Detox and will ask about that person daily. Jason will come to Detox for a lead and tell clients how much he hated me when he was there and then proceed to tell them if they don't want to be clean get the fuck out and give the bed to someone who does. He's our groups youngest brother, being 10 years younger than Mike and I. He is also, very much still the most passionate in his beliefs and not afraid to tell ya. But, our Sunday bunch would never be the same without him. We need him there because while he maybe irritating he can keep us grounded. He has the sense of humour, he just doesn't let it affect his focus like the rest of us do at times.
John, ah John. He's a good man looks like a James Cann/ Irish Woody Allen. He always has his nose in a book and is the one who we always buy for. John was a trucker until he developed epilepsy and lost his CDL. He's our lost brother slightly older than Mike and I. On the exterior he truly can be an asshole and rough around the edges, but deep down he has a heart of gold, he just needs to see it. John if he ever can get it together could be the best of any of us, he just needs to see it in himself.
There's Donna. The manager of the dry club we meet at. She is so very loving and willing to listen to anyone without judgment. She has been very giving to let us meet there from the very beginning. She never gives up on anyone no matter how many times they relapse or how badly they have burnt bridges. The respect and open arms she gives all is truly inspiring.
Then there's me. I told Everette today, I just come for the entertainment because when he and Mike get going there is no stopping them and it is impossible to keep up, for me at least. So I just sit, smile and nod, every now and then I can get in a good one, but mostly when I try, it falls flat and they just pat me on my head and say "let's go smoke and kill our lungs." In all honesty though, I have a sneeky suspicion I am the glue to this group of men and woman. Ego aside, they all know how much I truly care about and believe in them and that I know how much they truly care about and believe in me.
With all that has gone on in the past few months jobwise, healthwise and in general life, these guys seem to help me keep it all together and in perspective. I love them all like brothers and a sister. It has been said we can't pick our families but we can pick our friends. I have been blessed with 2 groups of friends that will always be with me, this group and the Lounge Lizards (LL) with Flounder and Laura I will write about LL next).
I can't say enough about how much these 2 groups of close and wonderful friends mean to me. I am the luckiest man alive to have found these people.I am lucky because most people never find such a group and some who do only find 1 group in their lifetime. I have found 2 groups of the most special people I will ever meet.
And I just introduced you to one of them.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"