Thanks for the good advice. I certainly feel I need to start putting myself out into the world more and that will help my last partner was extremely antisocial for many reasons so I have cut myself off a bit.
As for the thing about being 27 and over the hill...I live in Leeds which is the smallest city in the Uk as far as I'm concerned - everybody knows everybody! Since moving here from the countryside I've often felt like guys here are different - it's a student city, there's plenty of young ladies around and after you hit 25, well, I've heard guys saying they wouldn't date above that freaks me out a bit that youth is so lusted after. I am i awfully naive to think intellect, opinions, a sense of humour..these other things matter? In the city it seems not!
Is it possible less guys from my generation want a long term partner do you guys think?
"We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give"
Winston Churchill