children and funerals
This subject has most likely been discussed before, but I would like some of your opinions about taking children to funerals.
My daughters father-in-law recently died at the age of 74, and my daughter took my grandson, age 6, to his funeral. My grandson and his grandpa were very close, with the grandpa baby-sitting him almost daily,(on weekdays) from the time he was 2 years old.
my daughter told me my grandson kept falling on his knees, and sobbing at the funeral. She said he was inconsolable, and did not want to leave his grandpas' casket. I live in a different state and did not attend the funeral.
It upset me terrible, that I feel they subjected my grandson to this funeral, when I believe they should have let my grandson remember his grandpa in a better way, than in a casket, being lowered into the ground.
I still to this day remember my grandpas funeral, and certainly not in a good way. My father and I were walking by the open casket, I was 6, and my father lifted me up and was holding me over the casket telling me to kiss grandpa goodbye cause I would not see him again. Needless to say, I went rigid as a board and started screaming my head off, and had to be removed from the room.
I think my main question is about children at funerals, but I have some things to say about funerals in general.
My whole views on funerals is a bit tarnished any way. I believe they are just another money making scheme, at the expense of the loved ones, wanting , or being made to feel they are doing it the right way.
I remember when my sister died, and my brother-in-law and myself were picking out her casket, and the gentleman at the funeral home asked my brother-in-law, if he didn't think she would be more comfortable in this other casket, than the one we were looking at, which just happened to cost twice as much.
Just the way he said it, "comfortable"...please?! In my opinion, when a person dies, their soul or spirit or whatever leaves their body simultaneously, and they are no more in that casket or grave than anywhere. But, that is only my opinion.
Thank you in advance for yours.
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