Originally Posted by roachboy
i am pleased to see that this asshole was sentenced.
but it's not as though the genocide sprang full blown from his individual head and then just happened--there was an extensive apparatus--particularly radio---that was fully complicit in shaping, setting into motion, encouraging and directing this. are they all innocent now that this guy's been convicted?
Yes, we mustn't forget the contribution that the international community made to help continue the genocide by providing arms shipments to the RGF, even though it was against the Arusha Accords. France, Belgium, UK, good job providing arms to the Genocidaires. The United States for sitting on the fence and being too scared of getting involved like they did in Somalia, even President Clinton recognizes the mistake he made. Finally the UN as a whole for not giving Gen. Dallaire the resources and support he needed to stop the genocide.
So yes it wasn't the act of this one man, even though he was the mastermind and was apparently planning the genocide since 1990, it wasn't even the act of just Rwandans inside Rwanda who picked up weapons to kill their neighbours, the international community as a whole had a part to play in this genocide, they failed Rwanda and the genocide was the result of that failure.