I have come to realize lately that I am a person that everyone else comes to talk about things that they can't talk about with anyone else. I used to think that was okay, but then I started realizing that I wasn't even that close to some of these people, and I started to feel used. I liked to listen and try to help people out, and for whatever reasons, people feel they can tell me (in particular) everything, but the favor was not really returned. I was not confiding anything in them, nor did I want to. I have lost a lot of my patience with the whole pattern and am now trying to cut back on my "counseling" sessions for other people, unless we are very close and things are genuinely reciprocal.
THAT said, my Go-To people are:
1) Husband (ktsp)
2) Geographically-local close friends (which are changing at the moment, since we move internationally again on Sunday), which consist of maybe 3 individuals
3) Geographically-distant close friends, which consist of maybe 5 individuals
4) My dad (but almost never my mom, because she isn't safe to confide in--even though I seem to be HER only confidante, so that relationship is thoroughly off-balance)
5) Occasionally TFP, although not as much these days. I used to "vent" quite a bit on TFP, but I think I grew out of it, or I'm not sure what happened. I prefer to keep things a little more to myself these days than I used to when I was in my early-mid 20s, I guess.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran