rock stars
I went and saw Poison in concert last week, and realized something that I think is odd. I also think it reflects a bit on todays music compared to yesterdays. (ie. today's music, whether you like it or not, isn't all that difficult while older music seems to be much harder, although that's an overgeneralization).
Anyways, have you noticed how the new bands of the last few years are known only as their band? They're full of people who's talents don't seem very impressive or make them stand out. But older bands, especially from the 80's, were full of stars. In their heyday, pretty much everybody knew most of if not all the members of Motley Crew, and every other band had at least 2 people who stood out. Poison had CC Deville and Bret Michaels, Bon Jovi had Johnny along with Richie Sambora, Van Halen, etc...
Everybody knows flea and many know john fuschante(sp?) and anthony kleidus(sp?). Maybe it's more a matter of todays bands lacking much personality and star quality that the others had, rather than a lack of talent. I don't know. Any ideas?