Too Nervous to lose virginity
Hi all. I have a problem I was wondering if you could help me with. This is embarrasing to say the least, so I guess I'll just jump right in to get it over with. I'm too nervous to lose my virginity. I'm 18 years old and (theoretically) ready to have sex. I've had girls show interest in me, but I never make a move. Last october ('07) I contacted a girl I hadn't seen in a few years. We never made plans beyond "maybe we should hang out some time." This past july ('08) we finally made conclusive plans to go to a concert. She was all over me the entire night, grabbing my rear, grinding me, putting my hands on her breasts and butt, etc. I enjoyed it physically, but I had a butterfly in my stomach the size of Texas, making it difficult to enjoy it mentally and emotionally. When she told me she wanted to go home with me, I told her I had to go to work the next day (which was true). I want to have sex, but I'm just too nervous. What should I do?
I've been reading other people's posts of similar content, and I think it's relevant that I did have an erection.