Sorry to be blunt here, but after reading further I'm getting the impression that this is a bit more about your fears than it is about her needs. Hell, I'd talk about my end days all the time too, if I were 90 and being cooped up inside a house. Would damn near drive me insane, and most definitely depressed.
Once again, not a geriontologist here, but I don't think someone is on the "brink of death" just because they're really old and frail. 90 is old, sure, but people who "die of old age" aren't suffering from a disease... as long as they are mobile and have some of their wits about them, they're not dead yet. Until she actually gets to the point of being bedridden and/or completely mentally gone, there is absolutely no reason to diagnose her as being "on her deathbed" or somehow in need of being cooped up inside. My 2 cents.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran