My Grandpa is 92 and very active. If we were to try to keep him cooped up he'd give up on living too quickly. When he is able he goes places on his own. When he's not feeling as well, arthritic, or feeling weaker my Mom does a lot of things with him. He has a few friends that he gets together with on a weekly basis for coffee, he goes to other friends homes and visits, or he goes to the nursing home to visit some of his older friends. He's involved in the church and every fall makes dozens of fall floral arrangements for the Church's Thanksgiving dinner. People from church or my mother often bring him the supplies for that project.
For your Grandmother personally, Acknowledge her feelings of an impending end but remind her that she can control how she goes and possibly postpone it with an active, positive attitude. Grandpa has expressed some longing to move on and being with Grandma (now passed 10 years ago) but when we talked about it I tried to direct the conversation to end on a more positive note. We began to reminice about her and remember her at her strongest. By the end of our conversation he was thinking about how much more he was still able to do and being glad for it.
What kinds of things does your Grandma like to do? Besides the library group that is. If she likes anything crafty you could make sure to keep her supplied so that she can make things for others. One thing that discourages anyone is feeling useless. If your able to contribute, even by chearing someone up with a gift of cookies or something, it helps you feel needed too. She could just be feeling like a burden or unnecessary. Make her feel needed.
As long as she is able to go places and do things without injuring herself, let her do it and help her do it. If she gets tired at the library offer to take her home whenEVER she is ready to go. Everything that she tries to do keeps her stronger and her mind more alert. When she does go it won't be as long, debilitating, depressing or withering.
I'm going to echo GRANCEY, contact Hospice Services, Elderly Services, etc. There are MANY things designed to help get the elderly out and about and give them something fun to do. There is Elder Day care where they have craft activities, poker games, bingo, polka, music, singing, and conversation. There are so many things. Do some searches online for Elder Care assistance in your area. Or try calling 211 (if you have it) for information on services in your area.
Whatever you do, encourage her to stay active and Listen to what she wants and needs.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.