Contact nearby nursing homes and ask to speak to there Occupational Therapist (if they have one) they should be able to help you find lots of things your grandmother can do.
Go to the local library and find books on tape with her or buy a few of her favourites so that she can listen to them whenever she wants.
Most importantly Skutch - if she wants to go out let her. Unless she is suffering from severe loss of her mental faculties she understands the risks that she is running and is choosing to do her activities and trying to get on with her life anyway. Really you've got no right to stop her same as if your parents suddenly told you you have to be in bed by 9 and are only allowed to go out with their permission.
Now one other question what makes you think your Grandmother is dying? Many elderly people talk about the end being near, that doesn't mean they're dying. Does your Graondmother have any underlying health problems that are getting worse? Has her Dr given her a time frame for death? People don't just die due to age and I personally know some 90 + people who are still extremely capable of doing whatever they may choose.
Age-based stereotypes arbitrarily severs productive persons from their life, squanders their talents, scars their health and drives many elderly people into poverty and despair. Ageism is as odious as racism and sexism.
- Norman Vincent Peale (1898-1993)
Make sure you're treating your Grandmother as a person plain and simple not an "old person" because that's how you think she should act.