Okay I need help. I'm 25, I've had sex maybe a maximum of 10 times in my entire life, only one or two which went somewhat decent. I've had several encounters with girls as a single guy where I got them to my bedroom and was just too nervous that I couldn't get hard...very embarrassing to say the least and a huge kill to my confidence.
So it's been almost two years since I've last had sex (was with my g/f before we broke up) and now I'm talking to this girl and I can tell she wants it and so do I. I just don't know how to make the first move because I'm afraid I'm gonna get her hopes up then be so nervous that I can't get hard and just totally blow any chances of being with this girl.
Any suggestions on what I can do to a) not be so nervous/worried and b) make the first move in the bedroom. In the past with a girl I remember getting our clothes off, me being pretty hard and then going down on her for a bit and then I lost it and couldn't get it back. Should I just not bother about going down for so long?
I feel so pathetic