We need a little more info on the situation before any advice can be given (keep in mind we aren't geriatric specialists here, btw!--have you spoken with her doctor about the topic?)... what is she dying of? Is it a debilitating disease, or is she still mobile? How long does she have to live? What kind of discussion groups/books does she want to go/listen to, and why is it "too much" for her?...
Personally, if I were dying, the last thing I would want would be to be cooped up in a house (if I were mobile)... if it were medically possible, I'd like to be out enjoying nature and people as much as I could until my last step. I think it would be a much greater comfort to me than a sanitized environment that felt foreign. What are her favorite things to do? Are there photo albums that you can look at together, to comfort her with old memories? Old music that she used to like? How about pets, does she like dogs or cats?
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran